• Israel: What a Difference between Now and Then!

    The Israeli Foreign Ministry has recently asked all its embassies around the world to get ready to launch a public relation campaign ‘to repair’ the Israeli image and reputation which have reached horrifying low ebb that is negatively affecting Israeli ‘national security’!! The Ministry has doubled the public relation budget to…

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  • BDS: A Campaign by Souls Striving for Freedom of Souls

    Confronting the brutal force of a colonial occupation with a similar force having no mercy has been a sordid history of humanity, with mistakes repeated, but the wisdom of lessons remains evasive. BDS, the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement launched in 2005, chose to adopt non-violent methods in resisting the…

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  • Are We on the Path to a Global Intifada?

    An increasing number of Palestinians and other Arabs believe that the final phase of the original Zionist plan is now being implemented with force and zeal to “purify” the entire Holy Land from any non-Jewish presence! Israeli colonial settlements in the occupied territories (the West Bank and the Gaza Strip –…

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  • إيران: هل ترث حكم منطقة الشرق الأوسط؟

    مع سقوط الاتحاد السوفيتي وانهيار منظومة الدول الاشتراكية وظهور تحولات عالمية على رأسها تربع الولايات المتحدة كقطب وحيد سياسيا واقتصاديا وعسكريا، دخل العالم في حالة من الاضطرابات والصراعات المتزايدة، بعد أن جمد نظام القطبية الثنائية بعض هذه النزاعات وبالتالي أضفى نوعا من الاستقرار على المنظومة العالمية. وعندما حاول القطب الأوحد إعادة…

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  • Chances for the Israeli Right, Chances for a New ‘Catastrophe’

    Israeli minds are now being increasingly influenced by religious zealots who in history were behind the catastrophe that befell the Jews at the hands of the Romans. Can history repeat itself? Current Israeli policies appear now as being determined by a self–created religious dogma produced by an egotistical superiority complex which…

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  • A Boycott of “Settlements” or A Boycott of Its Products?

    For decades, Israel has been creating new facts on the ground and imposing them in the form of colonial settlement building which is making the proposed Palestinian State an impossible task to achieve. The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics – basing its report on Israeli authoritative information – confirmed that in…

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  • Will the New Jewish Lobby Prompt the Creation of a Long Sought Arab Lobby?

    On the third of May, 2010, the birth of a new Jewish lobby called “J Call” was announced at a Jewish convention held at the headquarters of the European Parliament. “J Call” stands for “a European Jewish quest for reason and logic”. The venue set for the convention suggests an ‘official…

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  • Israel: Will It Commit Suicide by the Hand of Its Own Sons?

    The Jewish creed is steadily becoming the dominant factor in Israeli politics with the number of secular Israelis decreasing. The Zionist entity has acquired a religiosity after being born from secular principles and so the Middle East conflict, according to many Israelis, has become an extension to the so-called destroyed temple…

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  • Has the Creator of Frankenstein Monster Become Disgusted with his Creation?

    Victor Frankenstein, “a mad scientist”, decided to create a new life to serve humanity. Instead, he created a monster! By stealing corpses he chose the best organs for his new man. Unfortunately, he mistakenly stole a brain from a recently deceased dim witted criminal. The mad monster was revived during a…

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  • Obama’s Shift in Middle East Policy: An “Understanding” View?

    In order to understand President Barak Obama’s present Middle East policy, it is necessary to REVIEW his INITIAL agenda for “Change” and to understand the American pragmatic political mentality that always looks at the world from two basic points of view: 1-   Serving first and foremost the American National Interest and…

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